Prior to attempting to restore an Apple iTunes purchase, navigate to the "Settings > MLB Account" section in the MLB app on mobile and ensure that you are logged out. A restore can only be completed on devices which share the same Apple ID as the initial purchase. MLB Audio or MLB.TV subscribers who have made an in-app purchase through Apple iTunes on a mobile device may tap the “Restore” button on the paywall, for example, when re-installing the application on an existing Apple or new Apple device. Tap on "Log In" and enter your MLB email and password.If you haven't logged into your MLB account using the MLB app, Ballpark app, or Safari on your iPhone before, please follow these steps: If they've already logged into their MLB account using either the MLB app, Ballpark app, or Safari on their iPhone (regardless of if the apps are currently installed), their credentials will automatically appear and they can simply tap on "Continue with MLB" to login. Subscribers who already own MLB Audio or MLB.TV, or have connected an in-app iTunes purchase of MLB Audio or MLB.TV to their MLB account, can access subscription features by entering their MLB email and password in the MLB app.

Please see the "Subscription Information and Management" section for additional information about Apple iTunes in-app purchases. MLB Audio and MLB.TV subscriptions can be purchased from Apple iTunes at a monthly or seasonal rate. Please visit "I own MLB.TV through my pay TV provider" section below for instructions on redeeming MLB.TV through Extra Innings. MLB.TV Subscribers that own MLB.TV through their Extra Innings package can download the MLB app at no additional cost and can access MLB.TV subscription features through the MLB app. See the "MLB.TV Login Information" section below for login and redemption information.

MLB.TV Single Team subscribers can access their team’s video and radio streams through the MLB app. MLB.TV subscribers can download the MLB app at no additional cost and can access MLB.TV subscription features through the MLB app. Free access to the MLB app includes breaking news, scores, and much more. The MLB app is a free download from the Apple App Store and offers both free and optional paid subscription features.