The king or queen has the ability to "kick" an opponent team's person from the hill and send that person back to their own team in exchange for the person with the same role from of the king's or queen's family.
Other team's people can push off their respective counterpart on the hill and become the "royal" role.
The king, queen, prince and princess are the members of the team that gets on the hill first.
In this version there is not just the king but also his family, making up teams of 4
At the end, the king and his allies win.
Allies of the king (his team) can push opponents and enemies off and allies of the opponents (enemies) can push off allies but not the king.
To become the king, the leader of a team (opponent) must get on the hill and push the king off.
King is the leader of the first team to get up the hill at the start.
In this version, there are two or more opponent teams
To become a king, you need to go up the hill and push the king off.
The first to get on the hill at the start becomes the king.
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